VB's ListBox does not support multiple columns nor headers. It is possible
to fake the columns, but not (as far as I know) the headers. However, VB
does have a ListView control which can be used in the manner you suggest.
The ListView can be found clicking Project/Components from VB's menu bar and
selecting Microsoft Windows Common Controls from the list that appears. With
the ListView highlighted (selected), press F1 to get to the help file to see
how to use it. The main entry briefly discusses the displaying headers and
you can look up the different properties having to do with headers in the
help files. Specifically, look at the SortOrder property which gives an
example that might help you. The ListView control is a robust (read
complicated) control offering lots of flexibility, but requiring more time
to learn. Depending on how old your help files are, be sure to turn on the
Visual Basic Documentation in the Active Subset to filter out all of the
.NET ListView help.
Rick - MVP
Post by MadThat is good info, yet what about the headings? by heading I mean the
buttons on top of the list that lets you sort the list.
Post by Rick RothsteinPost by MadHello to all, I am new to vb6 and I have been trying to make a listbox
Post by Mada horizontal and vertical scrollbar. For example, like the one on the
program Address book that is found on all Windows operating systems.
Post by Madit
Post by Rick RothsteinPost by Madpossible to do it on VB6?
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Rick - MVP