Post by Simone Chifari I use Get #1,,Buffer() to read a file but its dosen't work with file over 2 GB. Can anyone help me?
Which OS are you running? Maximum file size is limited by what the OS supports.
More about me: VB3/VB6/NSBasic Palm/C/PowerBasic source code: Drivers for Pablo graphics tablet and JamCam cameras: johnecarter ***@at mindspring com. Fix the obvious to reply by email.
Thats easy. If you record from a video source (like tv-card). I used win98se to record a film uncompressed. The file was bigger, than 2GB but I wasn't able to read the file with any program. The space used by the file on the harddisk was correct.
So if you recorded video or something find a program, which splits files automatically at a specific size.
Thats easy. If you record from a video source (like tv-card). I used win98se to record a film uncompressed. The file was bigger, than 2GB but I wasn't able to read the file with any program. The space used by the file on the harddisk was correct. So if you recorded video or something find a program, which splits files automatically at a specific size.
Post by k_zeon Thanks for the reply, but I meant how to over come files bigger than 2Gb when programming in Visual Basic. ie. I want to create a program myself that can handle files bigger than 2Gb.
the filesystem fat32 does not support bigger files. You wont be able to read files bigger than 2GB in fat32. The only way to read files bigger than 2GB is to create them in ntfs filesystem.
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