Bernard André
2003-07-28 20:51:06 UTC
Hi All,
I posted this already today and I am really getting bananas with this issue:
Using Visual Basic 6.0, I am sending SMS. These SMS can be added to an
Access 2000 table by users on the network.
Everything works well when executing the code step by step (F8).
I can trace this in the Access table, that reacts exactly according to what
I was expecting.
But, but....
When running the code, it looks like the records in Access are not updated
quickly enough and, therefore, the SMS are sent more than once (up to 10
times for some).
Here is how I open the table in the Access MDB:
Dim Db2 As Database, Rs2 As Recordset
Set Db2 = Workspaces(0).OpenDatabase(Text10) ' Text10 contains the path
to the Access MDB
Set Rs2 = Db2.OpenRecordset("pendingsms")
Set Data2.Recordset = Rs2
Data2.Recordset.Index = "ID"
It opens correctly and I can view SMS added by net users, using a DbGrid
linked to Data2.
When I stop the timer3 procedure, I can see, in that same DbGrid, the
records marked as sent, after a few seconds.
I have a timer3 on the form, to scan the pending SMS and send them. Mainly,
I browse the Access table and for each record where the field "sent" is
FALSE, I sned the SMS and, if receiving an OK from the modem, I change the
"sent" field to TRUE.
ID tonum texte Sent
24904 +27824170857 test open/close/open Yes
Here is the code associated to Timer3
Private Sub Timer3_Timer()
Timer3.Interval = 0
Dim erlop As Integer, nbrecs As Integer, X As Integer
Dim Db2 As Database, Rs2 As Recordset
erlop = 0
Comm1.OutBufferCount = 0
Comm1.InBufferCount = 0
okout = ""
Image1.Visible = Not Image1.Visible
If imgNotConnected.Visible = False Then
imgConnected.Visible = Not imgConnected.Visible
End If
If Comm1.PortOpen = True Then
If Not Data2.Recordset.EOF Then
While Not Data2.Recordset.EOF
If Data2.Recordset("Sent") = False Then
okout = ""
erlop = 0
Comm1.OutBufferCount = 0
Comm1.InBufferCount = 0
Comm1.Output = "at+cmgs=" & Chr(34) &
Data2.Recordset("tonum") & Chr(34) & vbCr & Data2.Recordset("texte") &
While InStr(1, okout, "OK") = 0 And InStr(1, okout, "ERROR")
= 0
erlop = erlop + 1
okout = okout & Comm1.Input
dummy = DoEvents()
If erlop > 500 Then
erlop = 0
Comm1.OutBufferCount = 0
Timer3.Interval = 1000
Exit Sub
End If
Comm1.OutBufferCount = 0
If InStr(1, okout, "OK") <> 0 Then
Data2.Recordset("Sent") = True
wait (3)
End If
End If
End If
End If
Timer3.Interval = 1000
End Sub
What am I doing wrong?
If someone can help, I would be grateful.
I posted this already today and I am really getting bananas with this issue:
Using Visual Basic 6.0, I am sending SMS. These SMS can be added to an
Access 2000 table by users on the network.
Everything works well when executing the code step by step (F8).
I can trace this in the Access table, that reacts exactly according to what
I was expecting.
But, but....
When running the code, it looks like the records in Access are not updated
quickly enough and, therefore, the SMS are sent more than once (up to 10
times for some).
Here is how I open the table in the Access MDB:
Dim Db2 As Database, Rs2 As Recordset
Set Db2 = Workspaces(0).OpenDatabase(Text10) ' Text10 contains the path
to the Access MDB
Set Rs2 = Db2.OpenRecordset("pendingsms")
Set Data2.Recordset = Rs2
Data2.Recordset.Index = "ID"
It opens correctly and I can view SMS added by net users, using a DbGrid
linked to Data2.
When I stop the timer3 procedure, I can see, in that same DbGrid, the
records marked as sent, after a few seconds.
I have a timer3 on the form, to scan the pending SMS and send them. Mainly,
I browse the Access table and for each record where the field "sent" is
FALSE, I sned the SMS and, if receiving an OK from the modem, I change the
"sent" field to TRUE.
ID tonum texte Sent
24904 +27824170857 test open/close/open Yes
Here is the code associated to Timer3
Private Sub Timer3_Timer()
Timer3.Interval = 0
Dim erlop As Integer, nbrecs As Integer, X As Integer
Dim Db2 As Database, Rs2 As Recordset
erlop = 0
Comm1.OutBufferCount = 0
Comm1.InBufferCount = 0
okout = ""
Image1.Visible = Not Image1.Visible
If imgNotConnected.Visible = False Then
imgConnected.Visible = Not imgConnected.Visible
End If
If Comm1.PortOpen = True Then
If Not Data2.Recordset.EOF Then
While Not Data2.Recordset.EOF
If Data2.Recordset("Sent") = False Then
okout = ""
erlop = 0
Comm1.OutBufferCount = 0
Comm1.InBufferCount = 0
Comm1.Output = "at+cmgs=" & Chr(34) &
Data2.Recordset("tonum") & Chr(34) & vbCr & Data2.Recordset("texte") &
While InStr(1, okout, "OK") = 0 And InStr(1, okout, "ERROR")
= 0
erlop = erlop + 1
okout = okout & Comm1.Input
dummy = DoEvents()
If erlop > 500 Then
erlop = 0
Comm1.OutBufferCount = 0
Timer3.Interval = 1000
Exit Sub
End If
Comm1.OutBufferCount = 0
If InStr(1, okout, "OK") <> 0 Then
Data2.Recordset("Sent") = True
wait (3)
End If
End If
End If
End If
Timer3.Interval = 1000
End Sub
What am I doing wrong?
If someone can help, I would be grateful.